Super cute retro typewriter that I bought my mom off of Craigslist for her birthday! I thought that it was SO mom sees it, and goes, "Elysa...this may be retro for you, but I grew up with these." Ah well.
August 28, 2010
August 16, 2010
things to do: make a list
- sew an adorable laptop sleeve for my new macbook, totally digging this one i found on Etsy
- transfer all the fonts from my old computer to this one
- download even more fonts
- because, seriously, who can ever have enough fonts?
- run
- finish the two canvases I started on vacation. in the next year, ideally.
- learn more about photoshop
- dye my hair. bought the dye today. hooray for progress.
- read and bookmark more sites like this
- because--ohmigod--of gems like this
- vow to be more organized this quarter
- again.
- read more. the new shopaholic book totally counts.
- (fine.)
- write handwritten letters
- become the next Amy Atlas
wake up early andgo to garage sales- so that i can score incredible finds like this
- research grad schools where i can get my master's in Building Your Own Incredibly Successful Indie Craft Business From Scratch with an emphasis in Event Planning Like It's Nobody's Business.
- stop making lists and start doing.
- but first post pretty (and not in the least bit styled) picture of crafting table while on vacation
things to do
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